Architectural Design 1 - ARC 255
General Course Requirements
Architectural Design I is a studio project-based course where students begin their work in architectural design. All students are expected to attend formal project presentations unless there is a medical emergency or family emergency. You must have prior permission to be excused by the instructor. Unexcused absences from a project presentation will result in a grade of F for the project. Students are to use class time for project analysis and production.
Participation and Preparedness
The fundamental nature of most studio, design and capstone courses relies on student participation as an essential method for learning through both practical activity and critique. Student develop skills and techniques through significant applied experience under the guidance of the instructor and each class can build on the experience of the one before it. Therefore, points can be appropriately deducted from the full credit of a student’s grade for absences, separately from any grades earn on submitted assignments, projects, or exams.