1. Use of one organization method (centralized, linear, radial, clustered, or grid) located to be site specific.
2. The building and the outdoor courtyard will be solids (structure – walls/columns, floor(s), ceiling(s) and roof(s)) and voids/spaces (rooms and enclosed courtyard)
3. A minimum of one of each of the following: a base plane, a depressed plane (minimum of 18” below grade), and an elevated plane (minimum of 18” above grade).
4. A composition of volumes that include at least one of each of the following: a space within a space, interlocking space(s) and adjacent spaces.
Project 2: Space, Volume, and Enclosure
Program: The following are required spaces with approximate square foot (SF) areas totaling 4,160 SF:
a. Café indoor seating quiet study area: 1,000 SF
b. Café indoor seating active area (not a study area): 1,000 SF
c. Customer service and food display area: 300 SF
d. Drink and food preparation area: 400 SF
e. Manager's office: 150 SF
f. Restrooms: two ADA unisex restrooms 55 SF each
g. Enclosed outdoor courtyard (enclosed on at least three sides): 1,200 SF Stairs (if any): 7.5” risers and 11” treads Ramp to elevated and depressed plane areas is to be at a slope of 1:12
Goal: To create a café (similar to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts in size) with a courtyard on The Great Lawn (located at FSC). This building will be used for everyday activities and special events.