Architectural Design 5 - ARC 486
General Course Requirements
Architectural Design V is a studio project-based course where students work in teams or individually to utilize and apply knowledge learned in the program to prepare draft and final presentations and construction drawings for a real-life project and a field-related ethical project/report. All students are expected to attend formal project presentations unless there is a medical or family emergency. You must have prior permission to be excused by the instructor. Unexcused absences from a project presentation will result in a grade of F for the project. Students use class time for project analysis and production.
Course Objective
Students will develop an understanding of complex contextual issues in Architectural Design at local project sites selected by the instructor; student develop architectural programs and then prepare a design for the project site based upon student-defined requirements developed through research of architectural precedence. Students will be given the opportunity to compile a portfolio for entrance into graduate professional program in Architecture.